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  • Hoyoun Kim1
  • Yong Hwan Kim2
  • Won Kim3

1Institute of Sport Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

2Department of Physical Education, Gangneung-Wonju National University, Gangneung-si, Republic of Korea

3Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Asan Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.15586/jomh.v16i2.224 Vol.16,Issue 2,May 2020 pp.50-58

Published: 04 May 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Yong Hwan Kim E-mail:
*Corresponding Author(s): Won Kim E-mail:


Background and objectives

Sarcopenia and metabolic syndrome (MetS) increase incidence with age. This study evaluated the prevalence of MetS in middle-age to elderly men according to knee and grip strength and muscle mass.


Data from 256 males aged 40–69 years were analyzed. The impedance method was used to assess appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM). Muscle strength was measured grip strength with a dyna-mometer and 60°/s knee strength with isokinetic machine. Strength and muscle mass were divided into quartiles, and logistic regression analyses were performed.


Absolute strength was not significantly prevalent in MetS, but MetS prevalence was significantly higher in participants with lower relative strength and muscle mass values (p<0.05). The group with the lowest relative ASM showed a 3.604-fold increase in MetS prevalence compared to highest ASM. Lowest relative knee extension strength group increased by 3.308 (95% CI 1.201–8.064) and relative knee flexion strength increased by 2.390 (95% CI 1.006–5.560) in MetS prevalence compared to the highest strength group. Lowest muscle mass and extension strength group increased by 6.8-fold com-pared to the highest muscle mass and strength group.


Relative values of strength and muscle mass divided by body weight were significantly associated with MetS. Therefore, having high muscle strength and muscle mass along with low body weight will prevent MetS.


metabolic syndrome; strength; muscle mass; prevalence

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Hoyoun Kim,Yong Hwan Kim,Won Kim. ASSOCIATION OF LOW MUSCLE MASS AND ISOKINETIC STRENGTH WITH METABOLIC SYNDROME. Journal of Men's Health. 2020. 16(2);50-58.


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