Article Type
Special Issue
1Assistant Professor, Division of Sport Science, College of Science and Technology, Konkuk University, Chungju-si, Republic of Korea
2CEO, Department of Sports Science, SPKOREA, Busan, Republic of Korea
3Associate professor, Sports and Health Care Major, College of Humanities and Arts, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju-si, Republic of Korea
4Senior Researcher, Department of Sport Science, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Republic of Korea
*Corresponding Author(s): Seyong Jang E-mail: luxuryseyong@naver.com
The relationship between socioeconomic status and physical fi tness level is unclear. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between socioeconomic factors and physical fi tness among Korean adults.
A retrospective analysis of the physical fi tness and demographic data extracted from the 2013 National Fit-ness Award project conducted in Korea. The data from 1,690 men and 1,982 women, 19–64 years-old, were included. Sampling strategy, using 14 clusters and stratifi cation levels, ensured a national representation of the Republic of Korea. The following physical fi tness variables were included in the analysis: time on the 50 metre dash run, repetitions of shuttle run, distance of standing long jump, distance of sit-and-reach, number of sit-ups in 1 minute, and grip strength. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed to examine whether physical fi tness levels were related to occupation (physically active, non-active and other), household income (divided into quartiles) and location of residence (rural or urban), adjusting for age and sex.
Participants with physically active occupations had higher fi tness levels than those with non-active and other occupations. As the household income increased, the fi tness levels also tended to increase. Participants living in a small city had higher fi tness levels than those living in a large city, except on the 50 metre dash run.
Physical fi tness variables could be aff ected by socioeconomic status.
household income, occupation, region, physical fi tness, socioeconomic factors
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