Article Type
Special Issue
1Faculty of Psychology, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile
2Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Depresión y Personalidad (MIDAP), Santiago, Chile
*Corresponding Author(s): Francisca Pérez C E-mail: frperez@uahurtado.cl
Background and Objective
Several studies have shown that not only mothers, but also fathers can suffer from peripartum depression. This phenomenon has not been researched in Chile; therefore, the aim of present study is to explore the presence of depressive symptoms in fathers and mothers during the postpartum period and describe their interaction.
Material and Methods
users of the Western Metropolitan Health Service Unit were assessed 2 months after childbirth with a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-I), and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS).
Even though mothers score significantly higher in both scales, 18.5% of men surpass the cut-off score in the EPDS and 10.5% in the BDI-I.
These results stress the need to continue researching this phenomenon and incorporate father assessment in perinatal checkups.
Francisca Pérez C,Anthea Catalán,Alyson Morales,Antonia Quinlan,Diego Riquelme,Javiera Navarro,Camila Valdés. ASSESSMENT OF POSTPARTUM DEPRESSION IN A GROUP OF CHILEAN PARENTS. Journal of Men's Health. 2018. 14(2);56-64.
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