Article Type
Special Issue
1Assistant Professor and Consultant, Family Medicine, Diabetes and Chronic Disease, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Medical College, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
*Corresponding Author(s): Turky H Almigbal E-mail: almogbal@yahoo.com
Background and Objective
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a widespread clinical issue with many new cases diagnosed every year. The prevalence of ED in men with type 2 diabetes millitus (T2DM) ranges from 35–90%, depending on patient characteristics and the method used to diagnose it. There is inconsistent evidence about the association between ED and the degree of glycemic control in men with T2DM. Our main objective was to investigate the association between ED in patients with T2DM and poor glycemic control, as well as other factors.
Material and Methods
This is a cross-sectional study based on a self-administrated questionnaire. The study was conducted from July to September 2017at King Saud University-Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Participants in this study were older than 18-years-old. The data from the questionnaire were analyzed using the SPSS program (Armonk, NY, USA).
The prevalence of ED is 80.5%, while a severe degree is seen at 33%. There were several factors signifi-cantly associated with it, including age (p-value = 0.01), education level (p-value = 0.01), monthly income (p-value = 0.01), occupation status (p-value = 0.01), duration of diabetes (p-value = 0.01), type of treatment of diabetes (p-value = 0.01), and diabetes status (p-value = 0.01). Increasing age (above 60 years of age), duration, and uncontrolled diabetes were associated with a high risk of developing ED.
ED was highly prevalent in patients with T2DM and poor glycemic control, as well as advanced age and duration of diabetes: each was associated with increased risk of ED.
Erectile dysfunction, diabetes, sexual dysfunction, glycemic control, Saudi Arabia
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