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Study comparing the vibrations recorded by professional and non-professional male athletes in winter sports, skiing vs. snowboarding

  • Andrei Gheorghita1
  • Catalin Ionite1,*,
  • Mariana Rotariu1
  • Marius Turnea1
  • Dragos Arotaritei1
  • Mihai Ilea1
  • Iustina Condurache1

1Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering, “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, 700454 Iași, Romania

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.032 Vol.19,Issue 4,April 2023 pp.11-25

Submitted: 17 August 2022 Accepted: 06 March 2023

Published: 30 April 2023

*Corresponding Author(s): Catalin Ionite E-mail:


Winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding are becoming increasingly popular among all age groups, as practicing these sports has seen an upward trend, which has led to an increase in the number of injuries and pathologies related to them. Practicing skiing/snowboarding entails a series of vibrations occurring in the equipment, their propagation along the kinetic chain impacting both in a positive and negative way the health of the person in question. The study was a comparison, skiing vs. snowboarding, between the vibrations experienced by professional and non-professional athletes, with the main objective of determining which of them produces greater vibrations and identifying the negative and positive effects they have. The study was performed under field conditions using sensors designed to record vibrations on the ski/snowboard (tip/nose and tail), as well as vibration sensors located in the ankle, knee, hip and lumbosacral areas, designed to record the propagation of vibrations along the kinetic chain. The results show a higher level of vibrations recorded on the ski than on the snowboard, while their transmission along the kinetic chain is inversely proportional. The conclusion relates to the choice of skiing/snowboarding. Therefore, due to the Whole-Body Vibration phenomenon, young people are more likely to choose snowboarding due to the possibility of increasing bone quality and quantity, while older people are rather fond of skiing, given its effect along the kinetic chain, which protects the skeletal system. Studies have provided evidence to suggest alpine skiing is an appropriate activity for elderly as a health-enhancing sport. Thus, perhaps alpine skiing could provide the physical activity needed to counteract age-related degradation processes and loss of function.


Winter sports; Vibration; Transmission; Kinetic chain

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Andrei Gheorghita,Catalin Ionite,Mariana Rotariu,Marius Turnea,Dragos Arotaritei,Mihai Ilea,Iustina Condurache. Study comparing the vibrations recorded by professional and non-professional male athletes in winter sports, skiing vs. snowboarding. Journal of Men's Health. 2023. 19(4);11-25.


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