Article Type
Special Issue
Racial and ethnic disparities in the relationship between job satisfaction and sleep duration among adult men
1Department of Social Welfare, Inha University, 22212 Incheon, Republic of Korea
2School of Social Work, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.054 Vol.19,Issue 7,July 2023 pp.24-30
Submitted: 20 December 2022 Accepted: 28 March 2023
Published: 30 July 2023
*Corresponding Author(s): Jaewon Lee E-mail: j343@inha.ac.kr
This study aims to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and sleep duration and to investigate how race and ethnicity influence the association among adult men. The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 for Children and Young Adults (NLSY79 CY) was used for this study. A total of 2609 adult men were chosen for the final sample. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and a moderation model were employed to answer the research questions. Men’s job satisfaction was positively related to sleep duration. Both Black and Hispanic men had significantly lower sleep duration than White men. We found an interaction effect indicating that a Black racial identity moderated the association of adult men’s job satisfaction and sleep duration. Reducing unhealthy working conditions and stressors in the workplace may improve job satisfaction and result in better health through increased sleep duration. Further, fringe benefits should be expanded to improve men’s sleep duration. Eliminating racial and ethnic discrimination in the labor market should be more prioritized and Black men should receive more fringe benefits, which may help to boost their job satisfaction and result in increased sleep.
Job satisfaction; Sleep duration; Adult men; Race/ethnicity
Jaewon Lee,Jennifer Allen. Racial and ethnic disparities in the relationship between job satisfaction and sleep duration among adult men. Journal of Men's Health. 2023. 19(7);24-30.
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