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Men's mental health and interventions tailored to masculinity: a scoping review

  • Sunki Kim1
  • Soyoung Yu1,*,

1College of Nursing, CHA University, 11160 Pocheon, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.111 Vol.19,Issue 11,November 2023 pp.1-10

Submitted: 14 July 2023 Accepted: 21 August 2023

Published: 30 November 2023

*Corresponding Author(s): Soyoung Yu E-mail:


Masculinity norms, characterized by specific behaviors, thoughts and emotions that are considered socially appropriate for both Eastern and Western men, have been perceived as obstacles to seeking professional help, especially in situations where men are mentally distressed. This scoping review aimed to gain insight into the different factors that affect men’s mental health and explore the different types of interventions tailored to masculinity conventions. Research published between January 2018 and June 2023 was examined using keywords to extract relevant studies from PubMed, CINAHL, SCOPUS and Web of Science, with discussion and cross-checking by both authors. Twelve studies consisting of six randomized-controlled trials, four qualitative studies and two mixed method studies were identified. A variety of interventions were identified in this review, including soccer-related physical activity-based interventions, online interventions, therapeutic counseling interventions that integrate interviews and cognitive-behavioral group therapy, and interventions using expert networks. The need for online interventions that consider traditional masculinity norms in encouraging help-seeking behavior, and the effectiveness of support groups in providing a safe space for men to discuss their mental health, are key findings. As a public health issue, men’s mental well-being is substantially significant, and tailored interventions are needed to support men’s mental health. Therefore, the implementation of effective interventions and the active role of policy makers in promoting mental health awareness for men is also required. Based on these findings, strategies to engage men in mental health services, strengthen social support networks, and challenge harmful male stereotypes within healthcare settings and communities should be considered.


Masculinity; Men; Mental health; Scoping review

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Sunki Kim,Soyoung Yu. Men's mental health and interventions tailored to masculinity: a scoping review. Journal of Men's Health. 2023. 19(11);1-10.


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