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Case Report

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ABO discrepancy due to the para-Bombay phenotype: a case report

  • Ying Lin1
  • Rongcang Chen2,*,
  • Xingzhong Hu1,*,

1Department of Blood Transfusion, Wenzhou Central Hospital, Dingli Clinical School of Wenzhou Medical University, 325000 Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China

2Institute of Transfusion Medicine, Center Blood Station of Wenzhou, 325000 Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2023.123 Vol.19,Issue 11,November 2023 pp.116-119

Submitted: 06 September 2023 Accepted: 08 October 2023

Published: 30 November 2023

*Corresponding Author(s): Rongcang Chen E-mail:
*Corresponding Author(s): Xingzhong Hu E-mail:


In this study, we aimed to determine and analyze the genetic differences of the FUT1 and FUT2 genes within an individual exhibiting the Para-Bombay phenotype. Standard serological tests were conducted to analyze the ABO phenotype. The amplification of FUT1 and FUT2 genes was conducted by polymerase chain reaction and amplicons were sequenced. The determination of the ABO genotype was conducted by sequencing exons 1 to 7 of the ABO gene. The Lewis phenotype was defined as Le(a−b+); Despite this, red blood cells (RBCs) did not show signs of A, B and H antigens using the serological method utilized in this study. However, Analyses of sequencing and cloning demonstrated the existence of a FUT1 mutation at position c.658C>T and an inactive allele FUT1*01N.06 (c.551_552delAG). Genetic testing for ABO blood types was subsequently determined to be ABO*B.01/ABO*B.01 (c.297A>G; c.526C>G; c.657C>T; c.703G>A; c.796C>A; c.803G>C; c.930G>A). Heterozygosity for indel and missense mutation within the coding region of FUT1 are likely to be responsible for development of the Para-Bombay phenotype.


ABO discrepancy; Para-Bombay; FUT1; FUT2

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Ying Lin,Rongcang Chen,Xingzhong Hu. ABO discrepancy due to the para-Bombay phenotype: a case report. Journal of Men's Health. 2023. 19(11);116-119.


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