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The relationship between autonomy support from parents and exercise adherence among male Korean adolescents: the multiple mediating effects of resilience and coping style

  • Haitao Feng1
  • Jie Guo2
  • Jin Hwang3
  • Zhenhua Shi3,*,

1Hebei University of Science and Technology, 050018 Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China

2Tangshan Normal University, 063000 Tangshan, Hebei, China

3Jeonbuk National University, 54896 Jeonju, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.022 Vol.20,Issue 2,February 2024 pp.38-50

Submitted: 27 March 2023 Accepted: 10 July 2023

Published: 29 February 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Zhenhua Shi E-mail:


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of parental autonomy support on adolescents’ exercise adherence and the combined mediating effects of psychological resilience and coping style. A total of 478 male adolescents were evaluated using the Parental Autonomy Support Scale (PASS), the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), the Coping Inventory for Competitive Sport (CICS), and the Scale of Exercise Adherence (SEA). The combined mediating effects of resilience and coping style were validated through hierarchical regression and bootstrap analysis. The results showed that: (1) parental autonomy support had a significant positive effect on exercise adherence in adolescents; (2) resilience and coping style mediated the relationship between parental autonomy support and exercise adherence. Parental autonomy support can not only directly promote exercise adherence in adolescents, but also indirectly promote it through the combined mediating effects of resilience and coping style. The mediating effect model constructed in this study demonstrates the internal mechanism through which parental autonomous support can have a positive influence on exercise adherence. It provides valuable information that can be used to promote exercise adherence among male Korean adolescents.


Autonomous support; Resilience; Coping style; Exercise adherence; Multiple mediation

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Haitao Feng,Jie Guo,Jin Hwang,Zhenhua Shi. The relationship between autonomy support from parents and exercise adherence among male Korean adolescents: the multiple mediating effects of resilience and coping style. Journal of Men's Health. 2024. 20(2);38-50.


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