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Effects of acute and chronic high-intensity interval training on serum irisin, BDNF and apelin levels in male soccer referees

  • Hamza Kucuk1,*,
  • Mehmet Soyler2
  • Tulay Ceylan3
  • Levent Ceylan4
  • Fatma Nese Sahin5

1Department of Physical Education and Sports Teaching, Yasar Dogu Faculty of Sport Sciences, Ondokuz Mayis University, 55270 Samsun, Turkey

2Cankiri Karatekin University, Social Sciences Vocational High School, 181200 Cankırı, Turkey

3Department of Physical Education and Sport, Institute of Health Science, Ondokuz Mayis University, 55270 Samsun, Turkey

4Department of Coaching Education, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Sivas Cumhuriyet University, 58140 Sivas, Turkey

5Department of Coaching Education, Faculty of Sport Science, Ankara University, 06830 Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.027 Vol.20,Issue 2,February 2024 pp.120-125

Submitted: 08 November 2023 Accepted: 18 December 2023

Published: 29 February 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Hamza Kucuk E-mail:


This study was aimed to investigate the effects of acute and chronic High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) on Irisin, BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), and Apelin levels. The study included twenty-one male soccer referees. Blood from the participants was collected at the beginning of study (1. first measurement: baseline value). HIIT was conducted and blood was immediately collected (2. second measurement: acute effect). Next, HIIT was carried out for 20 minutes of 4 days a week in bouts of running (75 meters in 20 seconds) and walking (25 meters in 20 seconds). Blood was collected at the end of 12 weeks (3. third measurement: chronic effect). HIIT was performed and blood was again collected (4. fourth measurement: acute effect after the chronic effect). There was a gradual increase in irisin, BDNF, and apelin levels (p < 0.001). The increase for irisin was 2% in the second measurement, 106% in the third, and 111% in the fourth compared to the first measurement. The increase for BDNF was 39% in the second measurement, 116% in the third, and 133% in the fourth. Apelin levels were increased by 11%, 19%and 28%, respectively. These results demonstrated that irisin and BDNF might increase only in response to chronic HIIT (4 times a week) while apelin levels might change with both acute and chronic HIIT in healthy trained referees.


HIIT; BDNF; Irisin; Apelin

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Hamza Kucuk,Mehmet Soyler,Tulay Ceylan,Levent Ceylan,Fatma Nese Sahin. Effects of acute and chronic high-intensity interval training on serum irisin, BDNF and apelin levels in male soccer referees. Journal of Men's Health. 2024. 20(2);120-125.


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