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Changes in depression and suicidal thoughts in bereaved older men: insights from a Korean study

  • Kyuhyoung Jeong1
  • Sunghee Kim2,*,
  • Bokyung Kim3
  • Heeran J. Cho4
  • Daeyeon Jang5

1Department of Social Welfare, Jeonbuk National University, 54896 Jeonju, Republic of Korea

2Department of Social Welfare, Yonsei University, 03722 Seoul, Republic of Korea

3Department of Social Welfare, Korea Baptist Theological University, 34098 Daejeon, Republic of Korea

4Department of Public Health Administration, Seoul Cyber University, 01133 Seoul, Republic of Korea

5School of Wellness Industry & Convergence, Hankyong National University, 17579 Anseong, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.059 Vol.20,Issue 4,April 2024 pp.112-120

Submitted: 19 September 2023 Accepted: 25 October 2023

Published: 30 April 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Sunghee Kim E-mail:


The escalating elderly population has highlighted mental health concerns, especially the impacts post-bereavement. This study investigated depression trajectories post-bereavement and their relation to suicidal thoughts among elderly South Korean males, considering demographic variables. Using data from the 7th to 16th Korea Welfare Panel Study (2012–2021), depression was measured via the CES-D (Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression) scale, and suicidal thoughts were annually identified. Results revealed two post-bereavement depression trajectories: a predominant “Maintenance Type” (79.4%), showing persistent depression, and a “Decreasing Type” (20.6%), where depression reduced over time. Individuals in the “Maintenance Type”, often living alone, exhibited a higher risk of suicidal ideation. These findings emphasize the need for tailored interventions addressing social isolation and enhanced community support for the elderly to improve mental well-being.


Bereavement; Depression; Older male adults; Suicidal thoughts

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Kyuhyoung Jeong,Sunghee Kim,Bokyung Kim,Heeran J. Cho,Daeyeon Jang. Changes in depression and suicidal thoughts in bereaved older men: insights from a Korean study. Journal of Men's Health. 2024. 20(4);112-120.


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