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Perceptions of andropausal experience types among middle-aged men—applying the Q methodology

  • Young Sook Lim1
  • Sun Jung Park1,*,

1Department of Nursing, Sahmyook Health University, 02500 Seoul, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2025.009 Vol.21,Issue 1,January 2025 pp.87-97

Submitted: 01 September 2024 Accepted: 22 October 2024

Published: 30 January 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Sun Jung Park E-mail:


Background: This study seeks to utilize the Q methodology to identify distinct typologies of andropausal experience perception among middle-aged men, with the goal of comprehending their understanding of andropausal experiences. Methods: The aim is to utilize this understanding as a basis for education and nursing intervention programs to help men positively navigate the experience of andropause. This study applied the Q methodology to identify and classify perceptions of andropausal experiences. The analysis included 34 questions from the Q sample and data. Results: A sample of 35 individuals (referred to as the P sample) was analyzed using the PC-QUANL program. In this study, four types were identified (physical changes type, psychological changes type, coping with andropause type, difficulty in interpersonal relationships type). Conclusions: The findings of this study suggest the need to develop tools for measuring andropause coping behaviors based on the identified types of andropause experience perception among middle-aged men. Additionally, it is imperative to conduct efficient symptom management and educational program development and evaluation tailored to these perception types.


Andropause; Male; Middle aged; Recognition; Type

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Young Sook Lim,Sun Jung Park. Perceptions of andropausal experience types among middle-aged men—applying the Q methodology. Journal of Men's Health. 2025. 21(1);87-97.


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