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Effect of lower urinary tract anatomy measured on three-dimensional reconstruction using magnetic resonance imaging on the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia decision

  • Guibing He1,†
  • Rui Yu2,†
  • Xingxing Li3
  • Yankun Feng4
  • Huiling Wu1,*,
  • Yi Wang1
  • Kaijie Xu1
  • Yong Yao1
  • Junyi Lu1
  • Zhisheng Hu1

1Department of Urology, Jinhua People’s Hospital, 321000 Jinhua, Zhejiang, China

2School of Medicine, Nanchang University, 330031 Nanchang, Jiangxi, China

3Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Jinhua People’s Hospital, 321000 Jinhua, Zhejiang, China

4School of Basic Medical Sciences, Xiangnan University, 423000 Chenzhou, Hunan, China

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2025.013 Vol.21,Issue 1,January 2025 pp.119-126

Submitted: 10 September 2024 Accepted: 17 October 2024

Published: 30 January 2025

*Corresponding Author(s): Huiling Wu E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


Background: To examine the impact of urinary tract anatomical parameters on treatment decisions for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Methods: Male patients with a prostate volume (PV) greater than 25 mL, presenting with LUTS/BPH, and treated at Jinhua People’s Hospital between June 2021 and May 2024 were included in this study. Patients were categorized into surgery-required (NS) and non-surgery-required (non-NS) groups based on uroflowmetry results and the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) with three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction was utilized to accurately measure urinary tract anatomical parameters. Results: A total of 119 patients were included, with 51.3% requiring surgery. Binary logistic regression analysis identified bladder wall volume (BWV) Odds Ratio (OR) 1.286; 95% Confidence Internal (95% CI), 1.105 to 1.497; p = 0.001), intravesical prostatic protrusion (IPP) (OR 1.585; 95% CI, 1.165 to 2.157; p = 0.003), and prostatic urethral angle (PUA) (OR 1.158; 95% CI, 1.036 to 1.294; p = 0.01) as significant predictors of the need for surgery. Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed optimal cutoff values for distinguishing the need for surgery: BWV of 47 mL (area under the curve (AUC): 0.837), PUA of 47.15◦ (AUC: 0.903), and IPP of 8.45 mm (AUC: 0.922). The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of BWV, IPP and PUA were 68.9%, 86.2% and 75.6%; 86.9%, 82.8% and 82.4%; and 82.2%, 87.9% and 81.5%, respectively. The combined area under the curve for the three parameters was 0.979. Conclusions: Measurements of BWV, PUA and IPP are effective in determining whether patients with LUTS/BPH require surgery.


LUTS/BPH; Urinary tract anatomy parameters; Magnetic resonance imaging; Surgery

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Guibing He,Rui Yu,Xingxing Li,Yankun Feng,Huiling Wu,Yi Wang,Kaijie Xu,Yong Yao,Junyi Lu,Zhisheng Hu. Effect of lower urinary tract anatomy measured on three-dimensional reconstruction using magnetic resonance imaging on the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia decision. Journal of Men's Health. 2025. 21(1);119-126.


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