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Case Report

Open Access Special Issue

Neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate. Two case reports

  • Tamás Kullmann1
  • Szigeti András1
  • Kránitz Noémi2
  • Szepesváry Zsolt3

1Department of Oncoradiology, Petz Aladár Hospital, 9024 Győr, Hungary

2Department of Pathology, Petz Aladár Hospital, 9024 Győr, Hungary

3Department of Urology, Petz Aladár Hospital, 9024 Győr, Hungary

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1803065 Vol.18,Issue 3,March 2022 pp.1-4

Submitted: 31 August 2021 Accepted: 26 October 2021

Published: 31 March 2022

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Therapy and prognosis of metastatic prostate cancer)

*Corresponding Author(s): Tamás Kullmann E-mail:


Background: Neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate can present in diverse clinical pictures, potentially hampering the diagnosis and probably leading to underdiagnosis. Methods: Two cases are presented corresponding respectively to two forms of the disease: de novo neuroendocrine cancer and dedifferenciation of an adenocarcinoma of the prostate to neuroendocrine cancer under long term luteinising hormone releasing hormone (LHRH) agonist treatment. Results: Suspicion of neuroendocrine cancer may be raised in prostate cancer patients presenting either clinical or radiological metastatic progression without prostate specific antigen (PSA) rise, or relatively extended metastatic disease right at diagnosis associated to relatively low PSA, yet any non-pulmonary visceral metastases. Neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate can also turn out to be the origin of an adenocarcinoma of unknown primary. Conclusion: In case these considerations are respected the risk of missing the correct diagnosis of a neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate may be minimised.


Neuroendocrine cancer; Prostate cancer; Serum marker; Synaptophysin; NSE

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Tamás Kullmann,Szigeti András,Kránitz Noémi,Szepesváry Zsolt. Neuroendocrine cancer of the prostate. Two case reports. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(3);1-4.


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