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Sociodemographic and Psychological Contributors to Quality of Life in Users of Anti-aging Cosmetic Products and Procedures

  • M. Graça Pereira1,*,
  • Ana Mónica Machado1
  • Marta Evangelista1
  • Margarida Vilaça1
  • Ana C. Almeida1

1School of Psychology, University of Minho, 4710-057 Braga, Portugal

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1804095 Vol.18,Issue 4,April 2022 pp.1-13

Submitted: 05 December 2021 Accepted: 15 February 2022

Published: 30 April 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): M. Graça Pereira E-mail:


Purpose: This study assessed the contribution of sociodemographic and psychological variables to quality of life (QoL) in male and female users of anti-aging cosmetic products and procedures, and the moderator role of age and sex in those relationships. Methods: 382 participants were evaluated on appearance schemes, aging perceptions, self-esteem, psychological morbidity, perfectionism and QoL. Results: Being male, married, professionally active and having a higher household income was associated with better QoL, while the usage of cosmetic products was negatively associated with QoL. Appearance schemes, psychological morbidity, perfectionism and ag-ing perceptions (timeline chronic and emotional representations) were associated with worse QoL, and self-esteem was associated with better QoL. Sex moderated the relationship between perfectionism and psychological morbidity in both men and women but stronger in the latter, while the relationship between chronic aging perceptions and negative QoL was only significant in men. Age moderated the relationship between perfectionism and psychological morbidity, between psychological morbidity and QoL, and between aging percep-tions and QoL. Conclusions: Findings may help guide psychological interventions targeted on the adaptation to the aging experience as means of promoting QoL. Thus, psychological intervention programs should address perfectionism, psychological morbidity and aging perceptions, being differentiated according to participants’ sex and age in order to promote a better adaptation to the aging process.


cosmetics; appearance schemes; anti-aging products; quality of life; age; sex; psychological morbidity; aging perceptions

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M. Graça Pereira,Ana Mónica Machado,Marta Evangelista,Margarida Vilaça,Ana C. Almeida. Sociodemographic and Psychological Contributors to Quality of Life in Users of Anti-aging Cosmetic Products and Procedures. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(4);1-13.


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