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Examining the health-related quality of life of middle-aged men with metabolic syndrome based on their stress level

  • Weon-Hee Moon1
  • Myoungjin Kwon2,*,
  • Sun Ae Kim3,*,

1Department of Nursing Science, Pai Chai University, 35345 Daejeon, Republic of Korea

2Department of Nursing, Daejeon University, 34520 Daejeon, Republic of Korea

3Department of Nursing, Korea National University of Transportation, 27909 Chungbuk, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1804096 Vol.18,Issue 4,April 2022 pp.1-9

Submitted: 25 October 2021 Accepted: 26 November 2021

Published: 30 April 2022

*Corresponding Author(s): Myoungjin Kwon E-mail:
*Corresponding Author(s): Sun Ae Kim E-mail:


Background: This study was conducted to identify the factors that affect the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of middle-aged men with metabolic syndrome (MetS) based on their stress level using data from the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Methods: The participants of this study were men aged between 40–64 with MetS who were included in the KNHANES. The main variables of this study were HRQoL, which was measured using the EuroQol-5 Dimension (EQ-5D); general characteristics, health-related characteristics, and dietary behaviors. Results: The subjective health of the group with less stress was significantly better. Compared to the unhealthy group, the groups perceived as healthy and normal had a higher HRQoL. The economic level, suicidal ideation, and dinner arrangement (presence of family) of the stressed group were significantly associated with their HRQoL. Compared to a low economic level, the high and middle economic levels were more associated with the subjects’ HRQoL. Compared to the group without suicidal ideation, the group that experienced suicidal association had a lower HRQoL. Compared to the group that did not dine with their family, the group that dined with family had a higher HRQoL. Conclusions: The results of this study expand the scientific understanding of HRQoL based on stress among middle-aged men with metabolic syndrome. Since differences in the influence of the factors that affect HRQoL were identified based on the level of stress experienced, the stress level of middle-aged men should be considered when devising an intervention strategy to improve their HRQoL.


quality of life; middle aged; men; metabolic syndrome; stress; mental health

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Weon-Hee Moon,Myoungjin Kwon,Sun Ae Kim. Examining the health-related quality of life of middle-aged men with metabolic syndrome based on their stress level. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(4);1-9.


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