Article Type
Special Issue
Circumcision in children: postoperative analgesic efficiency of transversus abdominis plan block vs caudal epidural block: a prospective observational study
1Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Prof. Dr. Cemil Tascıoglu City Hospital, 34384 İstanbul, Turkey
2Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Sultan Abdulhamidhan Training and Research Hospital, 34668 İstanbul, Turkey
DOI: 10.31083/jomh.2021.096 Vol.18,Issue 1,January 2022 pp.1-5
Submitted: 07 July 2021 Accepted: 29 July 2021
Published: 31 January 2022
*Corresponding Author(s): Bülent Barış GÜVEN E-mail: barguv@gmail.com
Background and objective: Circumcision is one of the most common operations and can cause postoperative pain, fear, and anxiety for children. This study aims to compare the effects of transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block and caudal epidural (CE) anesthesia on postoperative analgesia after circumcision in providing postoperative pain control.
Methods: Eighty boys aged 1 to 14 years who underwent elective circumcision surgery under general anesthesia either with USG-guided TAP block or with CE block for postoperative analgesia were enrolled consecutively to this prospective observational study equally in each group. Postoperative pain scores and need for rescue analgesia were recorded and compared between the two groups.
Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the groups in mean age and Aldrete scores (p > 0.05). Body mass index (BMI) of the caudal block group was statistically lower than the TAP group (p < 0.05). While there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in 30th-minute VAS values (p > 0.05), the CE block group's 1st, 2nd, 4th, 8th, 12th, 18th, and 24th hour VAS values were statistically lower than the TAP block group's (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: USG-guided TAB block under general anesthesia was not associated with lower postoperative pain scores and delayed rescue analgesia need compared with CE block in patients who underwent elective circumcision surgery. CE block provided superior analgesia than the USG-guided TAP block after elective circumcision surgery in this study.
Circumcision; Caudal epidural block; Transversus abdominis plane block; Postoperative pain
Mehmet MUTLU,Seray TURKMEN,Bülent Barış GÜVEN. Circumcision in children: postoperative analgesic efficiency of transversus abdominis plan block vs caudal epidural block: a prospective observational study. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(1);1-5.
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