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  • Ali Kerim Yılmaz1
  • Egemen Ermis¸1
  • Menderes Kabadayı1
  • Özgür Bostancı1

1Yas¸ar Dog˘u Sport Science Faculty, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey

DOI: 10.31083/jomh.v16i4.305 Vol.16,Issue 4,October 2020 pp.141-152

Published: 01 October 2020

*Corresponding Author(s): Ali Kerim Yılmaz E-mail:


Background and purpose

Muscle strength is one of the most physically important parameters during the competition for judokas. Studies have shown that for judokas, strength in especially the knee and shoulder muscles and the strength balance between right and left sides is very important in terms of both staying in balance and doing spe-cific techniques correctly. Our study aims to find out the correlations between isokinetic lower and upper extremity strength in elite judokas and to examine bilateral and contralateral strength ratios. 


This study is designed according to cross-experimental design with randomized repeated measurements. Fifteen male (mean values: age 19.40 ± 1.24 years, height 170.55 ± 9.44 cm, weight 78.47 ± 18.55 kg, and BMI 27.02 ± 5.82 kg/m2) elite judokas between the ages of 18 and 21 participated voluntarily in the study. Knee extension (EX) and flexion (FLX), shoulder internal rotation (IR) and external rotation (ER) isoki-netic strength measurements of the subjects were measured with concentric/concentric (Con/Con) con-tractions at 60o s-1 and 180o s-1 angular velocities. Ipsilateral hamstring/quadriceps (H/Q), internal rotation/external rotation (IR/ER), contralateral Q/Q, H/H, IR/IR, ER/ER ratios were calculated through lower and upper extremity isokinetic strength. Shapiro–Wilk, Levene, paired sample t-test, and Pearson correlation test were used in statistical analyses. 


In terms of the ipsilateral strength ratios on dominant (DS) and nondominant (NDS) in lower and upper extremities, a significant difference was found only at 60° s-1 angular velocity in only the lower extremity on DS (P < 0.05). In contralateral strength ratios, a statistically significant difference was found between Q/Q and H/H at 60° s-1 angular velocity (P < 0.05). When the correlations between lower and upper extremities were examined, no significant difference was found only between ER and FLX on DS at 60o s-1 angular velocity (P > 0.05). High correlations were found between all other parameters (P > 0.05). 


In conclusion, it was found that lateral asymmetric ratios may differ in elite judokas especially at low angu-lar velocities; however, this difference was not at a level to cause the risk of injury, DS and NDS showed similar strength in both lower and upper extremity, and there were high positive correlations between lower and upper extremity strength. 


isokinetic strength; judoka; knee; lateral asymmetry; shoulder

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Ali Kerim Yılmaz,Egemen Ermis¸,Menderes Kabadayı,Özgür Bostancı. CORRELATION OF UPPER AND LOWER EXTREMITIES ISOKINETIC STRENGTH IN ELITE MALE . Journal of Men's Health. 2020. 16(4);141-152.


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