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Predominant genotypes of human papillomavirus in Korean men

  • Jieun Hwang1,†
  • Hee Seung Song2,†
  • Jae Kyung Kim3
  • Jang Mook Kim1,*,

1Department of Health Administration, College of Health Science, Dankook University, 31116 Cheonan, Republic of Korea

2Department of Nursing, Sangji University, 26339 Wonju, Republic of Korea

3Department of Biomedical Laboratory Science, College of Health Science, Dankook University, 31116 Cheonan, Republic of Korea

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.093 Vol.20,Issue 6,June 2024 pp.70-77

Submitted: 26 December 2023 Accepted: 31 January 2024

Published: 30 June 2024

*Corresponding Author(s): Jang Mook Kim E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


Human papillomavirus (HPV) is associated with several types of cancers in men, including head and neck, anal and genital cancers. However, research on HPV has primarily focused on women, and available data from men are limited. This study aimed to evaluate the positivity rate, genotype distribution, and co-infection rates of HPV in Korean men who visited a hospital owing to a suspected sexually transmitted infection. A total of 14,994 samples sent to specialized laboratories between January 2020 and June 2023 were included in this study. HPV genotypes were determined in the collected specimens (including swabs and urine, semen and prostatic fluid samples). The HPV genotypes varied with age; single infections and co-infections with two or more genotypes were confirmed. A high positivity rate of HPV was observed among Korean men from their teens to their 70s. Single and co-infection positivity rates differed significantly among ages (χ2 = 81.502, p < 0.0001). The most frequently identified HPV genotypes were 6 and 11, whereas the positivity rate of the high-risk genotype 16 increased with age (χ2 = 1012.028, p < 0.0001). Sexual health management efforts should be directed toward both men and women to mitigate disease burden and transmission risks and prevent cervical cancer. A comprehensive analysis of HPV infections in men is warranted.


Cervical cancer; Genotype; Human papillomavirus; Male; Multiple infection

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Jieun Hwang,Hee Seung Song,Jae Kyung Kim,Jang Mook Kim. Predominant genotypes of human papillomavirus in Korean men. Journal of Men's Health. 2024. 20(6);70-77.


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