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Open Access Special Issue

Study of Damage to the Drawing Arm Subacromial Bursa in Recurve Archers Based on a Finite Element Model

  • Cheng Guo1,2,†,
  • Kai Liu1,†,
  • Yi Yang3
  • Jin Wu4
  • Jun Yin1,*,

1Capital University of Physical Education and Sports, 100191 Beijing, China

2Hebei Institute of Sports Science, 050011 Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China

3Research and Innovation Department of ANTA Group - Innovation Laboratory, 361000 Xiamen, Fujian, China

4Beijing City University, 100083 Beijing, China

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1805123 Vol.18,Issue 5,May 2022 pp.1-7

Submitted: 16 March 2022 Accepted: 08 April 2022

Published: 31 May 2022

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Physical and Mental Health in Sports)

*Corresponding Author(s): Jun Yin E-mail:

† These authors contributed equally.


Background: The purpose of this study was to simulate the drawing arm of male recurve archers by finite element method. And observe the stress changes of humerus and scapula on the subacromial bursa under different stages of special techniques. To investigate the mechanism of the subacromial bursa injury in male recurve archers. Methods: Collected a 22-year-old healthy men shoulder CT and MRI data, construct the bow side shoulder joint finite element model, contains the structure of the shoulder blades, clavicle, humerus, and subacromial bursa. The humerus on the drawing side of the curve was simulated to perform the raising the bow, drawing, holding and releasing actions on the scapula plane, analysis of stress changes in subacromial bursa. Results: The peak stress on the subacromial bursa varied greatly. From the start of raising the bow to the start of drawing, the stress peak decreased markedly from 0.280 MPa to 0.036 MPa. Then, the peak stress immediately increased to 0.347 MPa at the beginning of the holding and decreased to 0.262 MPa at releasing. Conclusions: The reason for the stress surge on the subacromial bursa in the holding phase is that its structure is easily squeezed by multiple surrounding tissue structures, resulting in high stress and susceptibility to damage. In combination with the depth of the structural site and the surrounding structural characteristics, this can prevent subacromial bursa injury. The results of this work are particularly relevant to the prevention of subacromial bursa injury in male recurve archers.


recurve arch; drawing arm; shoulder; finite element method; subacromial bursa

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Cheng Guo,Kai Liu,Yi Yang,Jin Wu,Jun Yin. Study of Damage to the Drawing Arm Subacromial Bursa in Recurve Archers Based on a Finite Element Model. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(5);1-7.


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