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Open Access Special Issue

Factors Associated with Injuries and Gender Differences in Japanese Adolescent Athletes Returning to Sports Following the COVID-19 Restriction

  • Tsubasa Tashiro1
  • Noriaki Maeda1
  • Yuta Suzuki2
  • Shogo Tsutsumi1
  • Kazuki Fukui1
  • Rami Mizuta1
  • Honoka Ishihara1
  • Makoto Komiya1
  • Yukio Urabe1,*,

1Department of Sports Rehabilitation, Graduate School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Hiroshima University, 734-8553 Hiroshima, Japan

2Department of Physical Therapy, Faculty of Rehabilitation, Kyusyu Nutrition Welfare University, 800-0298 Fukuoka, Japan

DOI: 10.31083/j.jomh1808175 Vol.18,Issue 8,August 2022 pp.1-7

Published: 31 August 2022

(This article belongs to the Special Issue COVID-19 and sex differences: is the men at risk?)

*Corresponding Author(s): Yukio Urabe E-mail:


Background: Because the worldwide spread of coronavirus disease 2019 has forced a moratorium on student sports activity in Japan, reports on its impact on sports injuries are limited given its novelty. This study aimed to determine the characteristics and gender differences of injuries in adolescent athletes after returning to sport following restriction of club activities due to the coronavirus pandemic. Methods: An online retrospective questionnaire was distributed to 500 adolescent athletes who belong to school sports clubs in Japan from March 1-19, 2021. An anonymous questionnaire was created before and after the restriction of sports activities following the declaration of the first state of emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan. Subsequently, 258 valid responses were obtained, and injury-related characteristics were compared between injured and non injured athletes after returning to sports and between genders for injured athletes. There were no differences in the body areas of sports injuries between males and females. Result: We found that injury experience before club activity restriction was significantly associated with injury after returning to sports (p < 0.001). Moreover, practice time increased before and after the restriction in the injury group (p = 0.038). The injury rate was higher in females (p < 0.024), and the trauma rate was higher among males (p = 0.016). There were no differences in the body areas of sports injuries between males and females. Conclusions: Our results provide gender-differentiated ideas and suggestions as they relate to injury prevention once in adolescent athletes returning to sports after the coronavirus disease 2019 induced restriction of club activities. We show the need for injury rehabilitation and practice time control in adolescent athletes in the coronavirus disease 2019 setting.


coronavirus pandemic; COVID-19 restrictions; sports injuries; adolescent athletes; returning to sports; injury experience;

training time; gender difference; Japan

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Tsubasa Tashiro,Noriaki Maeda,Yuta Suzuki,Shogo Tsutsumi,Kazuki Fukui,Rami Mizuta,Honoka Ishihara,Makoto Komiya,Yukio Urabe. Factors Associated with Injuries and Gender Differences in Japanese Adolescent Athletes Returning to Sports Following the COVID-19 Restriction. Journal of Men's Health. 2022. 18(8);1-7.


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