Vol.20,Issue 6,June 2024


Open Access

Recent progress and controversies in the treatment of metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer

Wei-hua Liu,Jia-tao Yao,Shi-jie Ye,Peng-cheng Hu,Xin Fei,Qi Ma,Hai-chao Chen

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.083

Abstract ( 742 ) PDF (7.05 MB) ( 189 ) Full Text

Original Research

Open Access

The efficacy of penile duplex ultrasound in erectile dysfunction management decision-making: facing the opinion leader

Andrea Cocci,Marta Pezzoli,Mattia Lo Re,David Ralph,Nim Christopher,Daniar Osmonov,Carlo Bettocchi,Rados Djinovic,Gabriele Antonini,Laurence Levine,Juan Ignacio Martínez Salamanca,Javier Romero Otero,Paulo Egydio,Ignacio Moncada Iribarren,Georgios Hatzichristodoulou,Paul Perito,Faix Antoine,Hyun Jun Park,Luigi Rolle,Ateş Kadıoğlu,Eduard Ruíz-Castañé,Koenraad Van Renterghem,Robert J Valenzuela,Steven K Wilson,Nuno Tomada,Marco Capece,Marco Falcone

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.084

Abstract ( 611 ) PDF (3.12 MB) ( 175 ) Full Text

Open Access

The impact of the new 2021 reference limits of the World Health Organization criteria for semen analyses

Mehmet Erhan Aydın,Özgür Özbek,Tevfik Çetin,Mustafa Sungur,Coşkun Kaya,Aykut Aykaç

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.086

Abstract ( 710 ) PDF (338.71 kB) ( 136 ) Full Text

Open Access

Health information-seeking behaviour, intimate partner violence, and sexual risk-taking among MSM in Bali, Indonesia

Ngakan Putu Anom Harjana,Dinar Saurmali Lubis,Nelsensius Klau Fauk,Hailay Abrha Gesesew,Paul Russell Ward,Pande Putu Januraga

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.087

Abstract ( 856 ) PDF (644.39 kB) ( 178 ) Full Text

Open Access Special Issue

Behavioral health is brain health among men with brain injury in the criminal legal system

Kim A. Gorgens,Susan Mingils,Maddy Pontius,Jennifer Gallagher,Rakyung Park

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.089

(This article belongs to the Special Issue Challenges in Identifying and Addressing Mental Health Difficulties and Neurodiversity among Men in Prison )

Abstract ( 578 ) PDF (1.58 MB) ( 129 ) Full Text

Open Access

The relationship between serum adropin levels and erectile dysfunction

Ercument Keskin,Ozgur Ekici,Abdullah Erdogan,Aliseydi Bozkurt,Murat Sambel,Mehmet Karabakan,Cuma Mertoglu

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.091

Abstract ( 596 ) PDF (625.47 kB) ( 160 ) Full Text

Open Access

Predominant genotypes of human papillomavirus in Korean men

Jieun Hwang,Hee Seung Song,Jae Kyung Kim,Jang Mook Kim

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.093

Abstract ( 606 ) PDF (7.59 MB) ( 140 ) Full Text

Open Access

The association between lower urinary tract symptoms and depressive symptoms in older Korean adults: a cross-sectional study

Do Gyeong Lim,Seong Hyeon Yu,Ju-Wan Kim,Jae-Young Han,Min-Ho Shin,Kwangsung Park

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.094

Abstract ( 524 ) PDF (369.17 kB) ( 134 ) Full Text

Open Access

Knockdown of B3GNT3 inhibits colon cancer cell growth and migration

Rehemu tula Aizimaiti,Shayimu Paerhati

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.095

Abstract ( 509 ) PDF (8.3 MB) ( 157 ) Full Text

Open Access

Sexual dysfunction in men aged 40–60 years old in infertile couples

Ngoc Thanh Cao,Nhu Quynh Thi Tran,Nguyen Dac Nguyen,Minh Tam Le,Nhat Minh Cao Nguyen,Quoc Huy Nguyen Vu

DOI: 10.22514/jomh.2024.100

Abstract ( 602 ) PDF (362.9 kB) ( 142 ) Full Text

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